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  1. I would like your help to work with the touch screen in xpo07. touch screen is rs232,,how could makes work in xpo?
  2. nice to meet you again..i was bought a usb dongle silver in yellow colour DE version for my spirit 2.1. i nstall xp07 but when left the last step to play show me a woman to smile and stay there.. some advice?
  3. install cd-drive ide download igo 2006 gr version(2 cd) boot from cd2..install software and it works!!! no need Photoplay installation box. *so i was bye and computer photoplay spirit with udb dongle..
  4. thanks you all very much..problem solved!!!
  5. upload some pic to see the details . i have got a lot of motherboards..can i do some update to run xp series????what i can do to be more useful?
  6. can u plz help to find a hard disk and dongle to fit in my console? *if you can't write public send me p.m. thank you very much dear!!!
  7. i have green dongle gr and hdd in fat way can i repair it?
  8. that's what I'm trying to explain. -I placed a new hdd 40gb. -made partition and fat. -connected IDE CD ROM -Download the greek version (GR_IGO6)that version has in the old hdd but the problem is the same. what can I do wrong?
  9. Can you tell me the total procedure to reinstall the software? Where i connect the cd rom? Is it autoinstall?? Any diffferent setting in BIOS?? There are only two greek versions for smart photoplay and i downloaded them.. Now what?? PLS Help
  10. thank you for your soon responce... will not work?it works but for unknown causes show erros. i put external cd and i try some edition to install but show me another error "bad or missing command interpreter" i will upload some pic..pleaze there is a case to work?
  11. nice to meet you,,,i have a photo play smart by funworld I.G.O ED. 1 hard disk show an error about NTLDR is missing...the dongle is green colour but they havent any stick on it to know whick country is. im from greece..plz help me to make it run..
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